How to Be More Efficient in The Kitchen

When you think about organizing your kitchen drawers what comes to mind? How would you make improvements? Some might say get better drawer organizers and/or get rid of stuff. This is true but did you think about the items that were in the drawers and where they should be placed within the kitchen?

The drawers were a small part of this overall kitchen organization project but it really made a big impact for this New York client. It’s amazing how many times I am organizing kitchen drawers and see the cooking utensil far from the stove or the junk drawer having the prime real estate and I ask “What made you set it up this way?” nine times out of ten, I hear “We moved in and just put things away and that’s where they stayed.”

I can’t tell you the joy that I get, as a professional organizer, when I rearrange and organize a few things and then my client is like “I wish we had you here sooner or had you here to help us when we moved in!”

Check out this short video where I show you how things can be placed in the kitchen to be more efficient while prepping and cooking your meals.

I hope you found this helpful. Do you have some kitchen hacks that make your life easier? We would love to hear about them. Share in the comments below.

Happy organizing:)